A Thunk is a beguilingly simple-looking question about everyday things that stops you in your tracks and helps you start to look at the world in a whole new light. © Ian Gilbert.
Thunk 31:
If you own land, do you own the earth below it and the air and sky above it as well?
To a certain extent. You would own the earth in which your foundations are put in, or in the case of farm land, where the seeds are sown into; but you don't own the tectonic plate you are on, or the mantle on which it floats (sorry for the geographical detail). As for the sky, you can't regulate the birds or planes that fly through the air over your house or land, nor the people that breathe its oxygen.
I guess it depends on perspective, but there's a certain limit to how far the argument can be taken.
In my opinion, the term "the sky is the limit" doesn't even apply here. I think people have the right to build as high, or dig as low as they like on their own property. (Just as long as there are no restrictions by the government)
Nakheel Tower at Nakheel Harbour is set to be more than a kilometre high and most buildings nowadays have basements underground. I say an indefinite yes to this thunk.
Ofcourse you do! If not then land owners would not be able to construct anything. Building skyscrapers for instance, involve excavating the ground which is earth and also building upwards towards the sky.
But like Edeline mentioned it all comes to a certain extent. You cant unearth as much as you wish or build structures as high as you want. Science simply does not allow it.
I don't think so. Like Edeline says, you cannot control the birds that fly in the sky over your land, or he insects that crawl beneath it's surface.
But in the case of scyscrapers, that are built by excavating the floor underneath, and is built towards the sky, then you do own the ground below and the sky above the land you own.
So I guess to a certain extent, you do own the sky above and the earth below the land you own.
I am not sure about the sky above it, but countries are allowed to restrict planes flying through their so called "sky". I think you would own the earth underneath (but not all of it, only up to the foundations) because without that you wouldn't have the land.
Did the contract say:
"sky and earth below included"?
Hmm I guess it depends on how one sees it, one’s point of outlook in the whole concept ‘land’.
Define land: it is the area of ground on which the real estate is located. The material on the TOP layer of the surface of the earth.
Therefore in contracts/legal documents, when you buy or own a land their term meaning is the solid surface of the earth. Not the sky above it or the earth below.
However, in the case of buildings and skyscrapers or basements and underground tunnels - like many have already said - yes, you do own the sky above and the earth below - though as Nikita stated, only up to its foundations.
Well, im guessing if you dont take it too far then yes you do own the earth below but, as Nikita said, only up to its foundations. As for the sky, it also depends. Skyscrapers, for instance, are hundreds of metres above land. So you do own the sky above. However, i dot think you can own upto kilometres above land. I think it depends on agreements on contracts? ITs basically common sense.
I wouldn't agree with this much if even at all.
Just to think of the possible disadvantages that can come about makes me realize it wouldn't be much of a good idea.
Wouldn't this mean that people would no longer be able to fly airplanes? If they do they would be in contempt of trespassing. So it would be more diffcult to travel to other places especially if you would have to go by boat.
Then what if everyone decided that they wanted to utilize the majority of the ground they own beneath for some indescribable reason? Could that possibly cause the earth to have some disfiguration; because all around the world in many and various places the mantle down to core edges are being drilled into.
In addition to that it could cause some serious land and air ownership quarrels. How would you know the amount of the sky and land you own.
These are just a few examples contributing to a possibly larger list as to why I don't believe this should be the case.
Well, technically speaking you don't because you've only bought the LAND, airplanes can fly over your sky anytime and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it. But then again you can change that by building a really tall building. But personally, I don't think you own the sky above it, unless you have the means of controlling what enters the space above your land then it's a no.
If I owned the land beneath my feet, that begs the question, how far below? What if I could dig a hole deep enough to China on the other side of the world. Do I own land in China? :)
The interesting question is, if, living in Dubai, we could dig all the way to the centre of the earth and then through the other side, where would we come out? - I'm guessing somewhere in the Pacific ocean.
It's possible to own the land below, but the sky can't really be under the possession of anyone as the air in it is always circulating. Therefore, "your air" could be in China right now as far as any human would be concerned.
As far as the land below, how low would be adequate to own? I personally think that the land below is yours as far as the average human is able to dig.
But that's just my opinion.
Oh wow, this is difficult. Um, I think so, to a certain extent. However, I do not think you would have any say in the air above it. Like Edeline said, you cannot shoo away birds, tell airplanes to fly somewhere else or ask someone to go breathe air from another area.
On the other hand, I do believe you can prevent people from coming into your land and digging it up or polluting it. You can chase dogs or cats away. All in all, again I repeat, I think you cam only own land to a certain extent.
No, you do not own the air above it as air is constantly moving around in different directions. Plus, like what Nikol said about the planes flying through the air space. You can not control what travels through the sky above.
Similarly, you do not own the earth below you as there is no law to state HOW far down you own. Take for instance, a mine. When your down in a mine your not considered to be ON land, therefore when you buy LAND you do not buy the earth beneath it.
I think that if you buy land you do not own the sky above it or the earth beneath it. As already mentioned, it is impossible and not permissible for you to control the air, the birds and the airplanes that move in the sky above your land and nor can you control the scurrying insects and other animals under the earth beneath your land.
Aisha Bashir
Hmm, not sure! But I think to a certain extent... Yes!
First, the ground. We may own the land required for our use or at least to that you are allowed to.
Next, the air and sky. The air does not belong to anyone in particular, it is there for everyone. And practically speaking, you cannot own the sky as there is a lot of elements involved in it. Like Edeline said, you cannot regulate the thing that cross it!!
I'm not quite sure if I have understood the question properly, but this is as far as I understand! :)
to a certain point you own, under the ground, the ground and above the ground. I say this because you need foundations for the building which is underground then the building is above the ground and if its a large structure it towers into the sky.
Well, the ground is yours. The sky isn't because you've purchased LAND,not the air or sky above. I'm fairly certain only the solid ground is included in the contract.
Also, if someone IS able to dig all the way to China, they should be given credits for that, not land. :P
I would think so. If you take it in a military way, if an unidentified aircraft passes the US border (flying into the US) The US army will try to stop it as its entering another countries Zone. Same thing for naval boats.
If we're talking building wise, then, yes, I do think you completely own it. I think you can dig as low, and build as high as you'd like, as the land is yours.
But if we're talking otherwise, then obviously, we can't stop birds from flying over "our" sky or insects from crawling though "our" land. etc.
I feel like you own the LAND. The GROUND part of the deal. The sky or the air above it is irrelevant, it doesn't belong to you or anyone.
This is a tough one. I think that we do, but to a certain extent as many of us mentioned. Like Edeline said, you cannot distribute birds where you want them to be, tell airplanes to fly somewhere else or ask someone to go breathe air from another area. However the land owner has the right to build or construct anything as high or deep as they like, on condition the government agrees or some sort of important environment organization known world wide.
You Own only the portion of land that is yours.
The Sky, or the pacific ocaen below it isnt yours.[:P]
Well, Thats what I think.
Yeah you do! You need the Earth below it and the sky above it for building anything at all. Be it a school, hospital, skyscraper, villas, malls, etc. None of these can be build if you don't use your land's earth below it and the sky above it. So, yes you definitely own it all...
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