Nullius in Verba

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Aggressive Teacher

Click on the image to watch the video.
Did he deserve what he got? Say why


Shennin said...

Hahahah, firstly I'd like to say that was quite entertaining.

To answer the question, did the teacher deserve what he got? Yes.
1) He was scolding her infront of her peers as opposed to a more suitable approach such as, maybe talking to her about her actions after the class or privately.
And 2) he was poking or rather jabbing his finger at her head, which resulted with her kicking him.
I can't quite distinguish what year this video is set in but if the teacher jabbed/poked a student now, we would probably end up with the student acting more violently towards the teacher, especially if the student was a teen.

Mr. Roberts said...

^This was in Russia - this month.

Shennin said...

What?? It was? Seems like it was somewhere around 2000. If this was in Winchester, the kid would have had a totally different reaction.

Raya said...

Yes, the teacher absolutely deserved it. You know what they say; to get respect, you have to give respect. If the teacher doesn't have the strength of character to deal with his students properly and is aggressive, then he deserves the same from his/her students.

I think aggressive teachers like this guy need to understand how humiliating it must have been for her, a girl , to be insulted like this in front of her peers. Secondly, It should be as unacceptable for a teacher to physically or aggressively punish a student as it is for a student to do so with the teacher. Why would it be okay when the teacher was yelling at and poking a child aggressively, but not so when the child did so to the teacher?

Unknown said...

I definitely found the video quite hilarious but to answer the question, yes I feel the teacher deserved what he got but i think the school authorities should just stop at the suspension.

To justify why i said they should stop at the suspension I'd like to point out that we've all at one point in time in our lives we have all been humiliated by a teacher in front of the entire class.

I do agree that the teacher should not have poked and prodded the girl as it comes under physical abuse but it was definitely wrong for the student to have reacted in a violent way.

Unknown said...

Answering the question; Yes, the teacher certainly deserved that.

The little girl must have been humiliated by the teacher shouting at her in that manner. There are more appropriate ways to make a student understand what is being taught, rather than poking them in the head and raising their voice. School is not the right place for a teacher to show such aggression, as it may affect the teacher itself and maybe the students which are the victims of the aggression. It could mentally affect the students which could lead to a far bigger problem than what just happened in the video.

Daniel Toth said...
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Daniel Toth said...

I think that the last thing a student or a teacher should do is use physical violence. We did not see the beginning of the whole argument or understand what the teacher is saying thus we cannot understand why the teacher was so furious...
Maybe the little girl did something to bring out that kind of a behavior from the teacher.
Considering the girl is still young he still should not have lost his temper that bad.
If I had to choose wether he deserved it or not - I think he did not deserve it.

Daniel Toth said...
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Unknown said...

Never thought I'd see something like that happen in today's time.

Yes, I believe the teacher deserved it.He was invading the student's personal space, he was aggravating the child and humiliating her in front of others.Even if the student may have done something wrong, the way he handled the situation was completely inappropriate.

Unknown said...

I found that to be a little funny to be honest.

I think that the teacher did indeed deserve what he got. He was using an approach which does not help a young student, by yelling at her in front of her peers, he humiliated her and insulted her. There was no respect shown, and was blaming her for not understanding something which was new to her; Particularly a new language from what i could see.

He showed an aggressive side by poking at her head and lead to provocation. As an adult and teacher, who is supposed to be like a role model to young students, he should have spoken to her in a way that she would understand what she did wrong instead of insulting her.

priyanka.nathaline.lopez said...

Luckily, clearly as that was an English lesson, we were able to understand the situation for which the teacher was reacting in such an explosive manner.

Laying a hand on a child is a terrible deed and I for one would never raise my hand on a child. From the little girl’s body language we could make out that she was being shamed for not being able to pick up words from a foreign language. I can sympathize with her as I haven’t been too successful in picking up foreign languages myself and I have also gone through situations as such, but not to such an extreme, but humiliating enough for me to hide in the school toilet during the whole lesson. This had occurred when I was in Year 3 which seems about the same age as this girl.

Psychologically and emotionally, the first decade and a half in a child’s life is crucial for their development. According to Albert Bandura’s social learning theory, a person’s character is nurtured through observation, imitation and modelling from their environment. Thus, at her tender age, she would learn that that is how you treat a child who portrays some sort of unacceptable behaviour. Her own reaction to his contact clearly highlights that she had to also violently react to escape from the cruel situation she was put in.

As Raya said; you give it, you get it, expect respect. For a child to have a perception of a complex idea such as respect which even older people find it hard to describe clearly, it was highly immature for the teacher to be poking at a child’s head. It was his duty to first respect his students so that they themselves learn the concept of respect.

Personally, I think that patience and empathy are two key traits that teachers must possess, as this allows them to understand that a child of such a young age learns at a different pace and capacity.
I remember that when I used to help my little cousins with their homework, at first, I used to assume that they could understand just as I did, but then with time I realized that things needed to be much more simplified and I needed to have much more patience with them.

I think the teacher got what he deserved. It was his duty to educate children, not to grind them into keeping up with the system through his own disastrous methods.

Pardon my harshness, but I don’t think people like that are cut out to be teachers.

If I ran the school he worked in, forget being suspended, he wouldn't even be hired.

Mr. Roberts said...

^Nice one, Priyanka. I was gobsmacked at the audacity of the kid. I was like, wow! Look at those kung-fu moves! She blocked and deflected his arm with her left hand and kicked him with incredible precision with her right leg. Who taught her to do that?! Good on her! What a horrible horrible man that teacher is. How he treated the child was despicable. (And yes, Miryll, I too found it funny. I laughed my head off! :)

priyanka.nathaline.lopez said...

This is sort of what I mean :P

priyanka.nathaline.lopez said...
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priyanka.nathaline.lopez said...

Yes she definitely was a little grasshopper! :)

Unknown said...

In my opinion A hard-line approach to discipline can easily backfire , as aggression is not the key to discipline or good education. Children who are afraid of their teachers and fear them would definitely fail to learn as they are too consumed by that fear to be able to grasp what is being taught in class , it may also traumatise the child for life. Furthermore the way the teacher handled the child just because she was unable to grasp what he was teaching was absolutely unacceptable,  some children have different learning techniques as compared to others and not every child is able to grasp things as easily as the rest, Therefore I think the action the child has displayed is appropriate in this situation

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Yes, he deserved it because his way of explaining the student was totally wrong & really demotivating. The teacher’s aggressive behaviour, scolding’s and the usage of abusive language in front of her peers just triggered her anger & provoked her to hit the teacher. The teacher was continuously hitting the girl on the head which she tolerated it with patience but when her tolerance reached its peak she hitted him. She probably did that because she felt extremely insulted and felt that her image was being shattered in front of her class mates, she did that as an act of defence and to teach him a lesson. Moral of the story: he deserved what he got, serves him right. 

Anonymous said...

Yes, the teacher deserved what he got because the way the girl reacted is most likely out of pent-up frustration. This is likely not the first time something like this has happened. Even a child that small has a limit and clearly, he's crossed that limit.

Anonymous said...

Priyanka, you're on a roll lately ._. that comment is spot-on.

Ramin Moeen Zadeh said...

I'd loved it if someone from the class throw in a punch or 2.
One thing that some teachers forget is that school is a place to learn, we're student's and their job is to teach us the materiel, now if every once in a while a student doesn't know the answer to a certain question, that does not give them the right to automatically humiliate the student with embarrassing comments and mockery.
I think what triggered the girls reaction was the whole pushing her with his finger, which would annoy anyone from any age.
What some teachers need to control is how to keep their own anger issues away from their professional life.

Sue Nayyar said...
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Sue Nayyar said...

When I was waiting for the video to load and saw the title, I was taken aback with shock and literally opened the comment tab and wrote about how I thought the child's behavior was totally inappropriate and that I was shocked that almost everyone seemed to think she was right for doing so!

......But then I watched the video.

I completely, completely agree that it was fine for her to do what she did. Normally, if she were older, I would have thought that maybe her reaction was a little.. overboard and that she could have maybe either tried to reason with him or walked out of the class and told someone in higher authority about the manner in which the teacher was treating them.. But given her age, I understand why she thought that was what she had to do and I think he was totally wrong for what he did. A little yelling always sets some kids straight but what he was doing was... abusive. Especially when it got physical.

It kills me to think that this was just a month ago and that such things still take place.. Like Shenny said, if a teacher jabbed/poked a student the way the teacher in the video did now, it would be a completely different scenario! But then again.. we're thinking about if that happened to US, here in Winchester.. Whereas in some places, like this, in Russia, they might still be following older methods of teaching.. (Not that I'm saying that it's justified because of it!)

I'm applaud that Saahil thinks they should have simply stopped at the suspension because ''we've all at one point of our lives been humiliated by a teacher in front of the entire class''! That does NOT make it okay! Domestic abuse still happens to a whole load of people- that doesn't mean we should go easy on the offender if found guilty! Murder still happens- when we find a man guilty, do we say ''oh alot of people get murdered, maybe we shouldn't put him on death row? Maybe just probation?'' TSK TSK, SAAHIL! :o

Benedickte said...

Hahaha! ouch.

Well, I'm surprised that a child is recording this actually :p It looks like to be an extremely strict school, I wouldn't even think they could be allowed to bring a phone or even own one.

But yes, if this was real, I think he definitely, definitely did deserve it. I don't believe she would have acted in the same way if he had let her stay back after class to talk to her in an appropriate manner. She was clearly humiliated and embarrassed as she is only a child and words from peers and teachers are much more hurtful when you're at this age, and because she is just a child, whatever she had said or done wrong should never have been treated to this extent of his finger jabbing at her head. This isn't something you'd expect to still take place today. He is a Primary School teacher, and it would be expected that he is able to handle children at a Primary School.
As Raya said, 'Why would it be okay when the teacher was yelling at and poking a child aggressively, but not so when the child did so to the teacher?'

QueenP said...

First of all, that was pretty funny!

To answer the question, in all honesty, sure I think he deserved that kick, but would I encourage that particular sort of an outburst from a child? Not quite. Why? Because I think physical pain is too little a punishment for public humiliation. If I was in that little girls' place, I would proceed to make the rest of his academic year living hell. If I were her parent, I would do everything in my power to get him fired and make sure he never, ever saw the inside of a class room again. But yes, to each his own. Way to go little Russian girl!

Teresa said...

That little girl got the right to kick her teacher wherever he wanted as soon as he layed his hands on her. I’m shocked to hear that this is something that happened so recently. You’d think these forms of punishment would be obsolete in a time like this. If she made an error, it’s his duty to correct it, but not at the price of her embarrassment. This reminds me of the music video we saw earlier- I bet this man has deeply unresolved psychological issues that he likes to lash out on his class. The teacher-student relationship is one of mutual respect, so what he did really just isn’t done. I worry, because we’ve only just seen what was luckily videoed by a student- does his mean that there are other teachers who must do the same?
Horrifying, to think a young girl must be pushed to the extent of physical violence that is otherwise totally unnecessary.

Winston Vicente said...

I agree with Shenny, it was quite entertaining. However I absolutely think that he deserved it. First of all he should not be handling students,more or less children like that. Secondly the teacher should not have touched the girl,in a manner that she would feel threatened or physically hurt. We should also look into the teacher's point of view why things had escalated in to things turning out like that. But I still think he deserved it.

Mehvash:] said...

LOL her "Kung-fu" moves.

Poor girl! I wouldn't commend such rash behaviour from a little girl but man, that teacher had it coming. Who in their right mind would publically scream his head off at a young girl, and then proceed to prod her head? At that age, I'd probably just run out crying, the whole Kung-fu act was unexpected :p but I'm glad she did it.

This reminds me of my French lessons from grades 1-4 in my previous school. Our teacher was a cruel old lady- if anyone made a mistake or didn't do their homework, she had 2 punishments: she would twist the boys' ears, or pull the girls' hair. Luckily she liked me so I never experienced any of that, but now that I think of it I realize she could have easily been penalized for her actions. However at that age, none of us knew that what she was doing was wrong, we just accepted it as due punishment for not doing our work.

I'd say the most important attributes of a teacher is patience, understanding, and the ability to discipline in a constructive manner, rather than in a way that could possibly scar a child's psyche and affect their behavior.

This teacher totally deserved that kick and his suspension. I would also recommend further training, or seeking a new profession.

As for the girl, I think a counsellor or even her parents and other teachers should speak to her, explain that violence is never the key to solving problems, and help her deal with her feelings and get over what happened.

Mehvash:] said...

The funniest bit of this ordeal is that a random kid decided to record it haha

Come to think of it, it just further proves how humiliating it was for the girl, as her peers found it amusing enough to record, without anticipating the girl's reaction.

EdelineD said...

I think it was a warranted reaction...right even! I mean obviously he didn't have the intention, but as one would prevent themselves from being molested or groped, the girl defended herself. The teacher had not the slightest reason to touch her at all, being in this modern age, there are several other disciplinary methods that he could've enforced, and a full-grown man like himself should be mature enough to control his anger.
The teacher acted like a child himself and so I think he deserved the childish response that he got in return.

Marwan said...

Hahahaha wow she's just a kid and already kind of knows how to protect herself. The teacher definitely deserved it. As everyone else has already said he should have approached her in a different manner. But it also got me thinking what was it that she did that made him scold her or react like that? No matter what she did she obviously doesn't deserve that treatment, she's just a child.

Unknown said...

Ha. What goes around comes around. That "teacher" got what he deserved and more. He humiliated a young child in front of the class, but in return was humiliated by the child before the class. I presume the children lived in fear of this teacher, and to see him on the floor beaten down by a girl...what a historical day for them.

The best part is that it was recorded, so if that "teacher" wants to apply anywhere else for a job, the next best option would be a clown, cause I'm sure every child that watches that video will have a smile on their face.

Also I wouldn't be surprised if that young girl was related to the Black Widow or Wonder Woman.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I found this video very entertaining and I learnt something from the both of them.
Firstly, I believe the girl had the right to act violently towards the teacher. She had to defend herself because the teacher was physically abusing her infront of her class.
The teacher on the other hand deserved it. He was lashing his anger out to the kid, making her confused and embarassed which resulted to her acting violently in the end.

huzzy8797 said...
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Mr. Roberts said...

kid_afrik and huzzy8797 please leave your comments using your own names. This is a school blog.

Unknown said...

I agree with all of them above . according to me the girl should have hurt him more.. im sure after this act the teacher would have been fired or atleast suspended. according to me no teacher should be encouraged or given the authority to physically or mentally hurt a child. the way he was he was shouting at the child and poking her is very disturbing to watch. but later what the child does dose not just make me laugh but even gives a sense of hope that one day in places like these such violent behviour will stop and any part of the world will be a better place for a child to live in

Anonymous said...

I don't think he deserve what he got at all. I grew up in an educational system where physical and verbal violence was far beyond this. And even if the teachers were in the wrong, and displayed the aggravation he did we were always taught to uphold a level of respect regardless of the situation, even at this age.

javier said...

Hmmm well this is a topic that could be discussed for a wile,in my opinion its disrespectful towards a teacher to do that,but in the other hand i think in some point he did deserve it since he wasnt just shouting and embarrassing the little girl.but he also touched her and pushed her on the head so he was being unprofessional and aggressive therefore...totally deserved it