Nullius in Verba

Monday, March 24, 2014

Cosmic Citizen

What does it mean to be a Cosmic Citizen?


Unknown said...

I personally think being a cosmic citizen entails not only being concious of ourselves and the world around us, but the universe as well. As a cosmic citizen, one is aware that our day to day "concerns" are comparitively unimportant and tries to think of the bigger picture instead, thus taking a cosmic perspective. Moreover, a cosmic citizen constantly re-evaluates their role in life and is mindful of contributing to the generations to come as well as their own.

Shennin said...

Adding on to what Behshid mentioned, a cosmic citizen isn't engrossed in the materialistic, routinely, banal on-goings and problems of life. He/She is aware of these issues however understands that it is relatively insignificant in the grander scheme of things.

A cosmic Citizen wouldn't necessarily view themselves as a typical nationalist who says 'Yes! I stand for *my* country' '*My* country matters more than yours" instead they view themselves as a citizen of the universe and try to live their lives adopting a cosmic perspective and attempt to bring about a change that may affect species universally.

Unknown said...

Behshid and Shenny have pretty much mentioned the whole aspect of being a cosmic citizen but still to elaborate on my opinion of being a cosmic citizen I'd like to say that it's more of thinking selflessly and not just thinking about ones own family line, but the whole human species and acknowledging that our planet is merely just a tiny speck of dust in the vast wonders of space & we don't just owe it to our planet to progress and strive for knowledge but we owe it to the universe, for without it even our existence wouldn't have come into being.

EdelineD said...

Being a cosmic citizen, to me, is taking a step back from our lives, and embracing the knowledge that we have a responsibility to the future and progress and that we stand as representative of not a single planet but the fruit of our universe and therefore we must act accordingly.

From that vantage point, as a cosmic citizen, we would be thinking not a few years or decades ahead but rather hundreds of years in the future, as we would not be limited to life on the transient, temporal planet that we inhabit now but rather in the slightly more permanent universe.

Unknown said...

As a citizen of a certain country, we consider that country to be our true home and take pride in it. Similarly, to be a cosmic citizen is to go beyond the common man's narrow-minded nationalistic mindset and see that we are, in actuality, citizens of the universe.

Such a mindset comes with having a cosmic perspective, by realizing that we are all stardust or, in the words of Carl Sagan, the universe thinking about itself. I can't begin to imagine the ways in which our world would change if every human being began to see him or herself as a cosmic citizens. What if no longer had labels such as "iranian" or "Canadian" to describe us? What if we were no longer identified by fractions of a pale blue dot but by the grand universe itself? This petty pale blue dot of a planet that we call home is nothing compared to the potential we have as a species and cosmic citizens of the universe.