Nullius in Verba

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Was this deliberate?

Watch this footballer crash into a female referee. Was it on purpose or an accident? Post your comments here.


Nikita said...

Honestly, most football players are not chosen for their mannerisms but there shouldn’t be any reason for a man bumping into a woman but men will always be men. If we think about the game as a whole then the topic becomes more complex. A handful of players deliberately fall and cry out for help in pain just so they can get a penalty shot or free kick. So really there may no way to tell whether these events are accidents or not.

Raya said...

There is no way to tell for sure, but i wouldn't be surprised either way.

It could simply be an accident. I can imagine football players being under extreme pressure with millions of fans looking up to them and i with all the running around incidents like the one in the video can always occur.

However, i think the fact that he still hasn't apologized conveys his arrogant sexism and the fact that he could have done it purposely.

Shennin said...

Where’s his ‘sorry’?? Despite it being an accident or not (and I’m not really sure whether it was on purpose or an accident) the least he could have done is mentioned a simple sorry before hurrying off to continue with the game.
He might have been under the stress of the millions of fans depending on him and the importance of the match and all the running about and scoring or what-not but that doesn’t give him the benefit to be rude.

Yolany Aher said...

Deliberate or not, an apology should be mandatory. The least he could do was say sorry, and if not then, because he was supposedly 'concentrating on the game' then why not after? A phone call later on isn't really that hard to make either.
She was on the floor, he pushed her, intentionally or not, basic manners would be an apology, and obviously its something he lacks.

Moza said...

I would definitely agree with everyone above. Whether it was intentional or not, I believe it's basic manners to apologise. That's the least he could do. Well, if then he, supposedly, was too focused on the game, like Yolany said, a call wouldn't take much time.

Teresa said...

I'm not sure if it was deliberate or not: it appears to be, but it could just as well be that he was focusing on the game.

At the same time, like everyone has said, it is simply basic manners to apologise, and I'm not sure how relevant it is that she was a woman: people like making mountains out of molehills.

Even if it was a male, and he knocked him down, would'nt it be rude to leave without apologising? Again, like Yolany said, deliberate or not, he should be made to apologise.

Shafnaa said...

Wow,did you read the headline? The footballer doesn't have to apologize to the woman? This is discrimination and chauvinism at the peak.
Mistake or not, she at least deserves a sorry, she was literally slammed to the ground.

Like Nikita mentioned, most footballers don't come with good mannerism as compared to their skills or talent.

Unknown said...

Like everyone else, I think it's absolutely necessary that he apologizes, whether it was deliberate or not.

And on the question of whether is is deliberate, well, I actually don't think it was. If I'm not mistaken, this happened as he was trying to block the ball from going over the line, DURING the game, so.. I don't really think he sat and planned all of this just so that he could wham into Sian Massey for the fun of it.
BUUUTTTT it does look like he shoved her. And that didn't look entirely necessary. Or fair.
Maybe I'm just saying that it wasn't deliberate because I don't want to think that our species could be that sad.

Just because I think that, I still don't accept the fact that he didn't apologize. Where has chivalry gone these days? :(

Suheir said...

I absolutely agree with what everybody has mentioned. However I have to sides to this. The first is that, this football player is obviously rude or hasn't been taught what manners are! Like most of us have mentioned the least he could do is apologize, I mean is it that hard! But the when you look at in another prospective such as, the player may have been too worried or concerned about the game, or as he is a football player he is very busy and does not have the time to pick up the phone and say sorry, then I guess we can call it an accident and forget it. 

In conclusion I think the player should have said sorry no matter what the situation!