Nullius in Verba

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thunk 32

 A Thunk is a beguilingly simple-looking question about everyday things that stops you in your tracks and helps you start to look at the world in a whole new light. © Ian Gilbert

Thunk 32
Is a hurricane evil? (An earthquake? A tsunami?)


Anonymous said...

Well, I would like to think not, some might say it's the effects of nature. Some say it's the earth crying out to us, sending us a message that says stop all the childish games that tears me apart.
Yet, persoally when I have doubts of things concerning nature, the great beyond, casualties and thngs beyond this world I often find myself looking back at greek mythology for some form of reconciliation. For this case earthquakes, tsunamis etc... happened for two man reasons. Either the God's were angry with us for things we did or faileed to do or a force of evil treachery, such as witches or hades were at it's work.
So according to Greek mythology you can't say that it is evil because it was made for a number of reasons, as chastisment, as a lesson or for malicious acts. It is simply something used, but for what reason is the question. ow the answer to that could be evil.

Moza said...

LOL, this sounded funny at first.

Urm, you can't really say its evil because it is controlled by nature. Its probably Mother Earth's way of protesting. Even if it were, we cant blame it. I mean, look at all the horrible things we humans commit. We litter, pollute, deforest, etc. and yet we hardly consider the consequences of our foolish acts that will harm no one but us.

Plus, it's the way nature intended it to be. Some areas are earthquake/disaster-prone and some are not. It's a matter of luck, i guess.

Teresa said...
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Teresa said...

Well, considering being evil is an attribute only humans possess, I would think not.
Sometimes its a random hit, sometimes it is expected. Tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes they all take away lives, but that doesn’t mean they're evil.

Take Japan, for example: the people knew that their country was prone to natural disasters like earthquakes. They accepted that as part of their lives- can one stop living because one is at risk of death?

So no, these things are called 'natural' disasters for a reason, there is nothing we can do to stop it, and we certainly cannot blame it for being 'evil'.

Girisha said...

I don't think so! Just because you can't stop, it doesn't mean that they're evil. It's purely natural. You can only predict it. Its not even a living thing.

What just happened in Japan? Yes, the earthquake and tsunami destroyed the whole city but it wasn't the disaster that caused the big problem. It was the radiation which leaked out of nuclear factories that caused the big problem. And now because of that all of the nuclear factories are closed in Japan (on the coast).

Also adding, because of the whole Japan incident, many countries in the world have declined to build nuclear factories. Take India for instance, the government rejected 50 nuclear plans.

So, everything happens for a reason. Hurricanes, Earthquakes and tsunamis are just a force of nature. No one can stop it from happening.

Nikita said...

I am a believer in karma or what goes around comes around. I think, although hurricanes and other natural disasters may have geographical and scientific reasons behind them, they occur as pay back to humans. If we take Japan as an example, it was a tragic disaster but what about what the Japanese do to whales? Is it fair?
So, I do think natural disasters are evil, they cause death and destruction but we do the same to the sea and marine life. An eye for an eye, right?

Raya said...

No, Its simply the act and fury of nature. And as for earthquakes and Tsunami's, Their actions are what shapes and embellishes our planet. Together they are simply a system.

Yes they brings harm to us. But how can we call hurricanes evil but our action good? What about all the greenhouse gases with fill into the earth atmosphere, all the pollution we cause in its oceans and all the trees and animals we've murdered.

Scientifically, global warming is what's increasing the annual number of hurricanes around the world.

Shennin said...

I wouldn’t really use the term ‘evil’ its more like nature’s way of saying ‘and eye for an eye’. (Although, I oppose the ‘eye for an eye’ outlook.)
An earthquake, hurricane or tsunami is quite random and could hit at any given time. It’s not really our doing -although some of you have said that it is caused by our pollution and/or karma for the damage we’ve caused to nature - although it is not literally caused by us.

They might bring us harm and in most extreme cases they bring losses too, but I wouldn’t label natural disaster’s under the term evil. Besides, everything has a purpose. We couldn’t stop it even if we urged to.

Yolany Aher said...

Maybe I would say it was 'naturally' evil.

It causes destruction and devastates many but like Raya said, that is what shapes our planet. In addition, speaking geographically, some places are just prone to earthquakes and tsunamis and evidently, that is the way nature intended it to be, tough luck.

Also, taking into consideration all the 'evil' things we humans commit, it's probably just mother nature's way of getting back at us.

EdelineD said...
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EdelineD said...

We cannot control the great power of nature, but because we cannot control it doesn't mean it is EVIL! Natural disasters are natures way of fighting back against the injustice we serve it without thought for it;s balance and the eco system. Everyone retaliates, and this is the Earth's way of retaliating. More geological plate movement? a direct consequence of CFCs and global warming. Hurricanes? Direct effect of global warming. Tsunami? indirect outcome of global warming and earthquakes under the sea.
but what causes global warming?
WE do!!!
because of our own selfish needs, we disregard our environment and use CFC-rich house-hold appliances, which result in depletion of the ozone layer, the Delicate composition of gases that protects teh Earth and ourselves from harmful UV rays, which in turn heat up the earths core causing massive tectonic plate disturbances. the end result? earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, cyclones, volcanoes, and more destruction. the earth is crying out for our help. we need to do something about it because if we don't we are the evil ones.

Unknown said...

I don't believe that it is evil. It's merely the mother nature's response to the damage the human race has caused to the planet through pollution, littering, etc.

Shafnaa said...

For the past decades,we've all have the impression that hurricanes and all the similar natural disasters are evil due to the collateral damages caused,such as loss of life, possessions ruined. But personally, I think what it's doing what it does best; being a hurricane. It doesn't occur by choice,it has been designed that way. Therefore, it is not vile by intention.

Maybe it an indication of Mother Earth's discontent.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think that calling it "evil" would just be an illustration of pathetic fallacy.
There's a reason hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis are called NATURAL disasters. They're natural. Unstoppable, one might say.

Or really, I'm not too sure. Maybe it IS mother's nature taking our her anger on us. Maybe it is just revenge. But.. some of us are saying that they're products of our pollution etc, but what about earthquakes? Would they be "evil"? We can't stop the occurrence of an earthquake..

Not to sound lame or overly cliche, but maybe "God" IS just crying when it rains. And maybe he's just angry when he brings about a hurricane. And maybe he's just plain sadistic when he make an earthquake occur.

Unknown said...

It does create mass destruction you cannot classify it as EVIL. It just a force of nature I guess.Ancient Greeks used to think it was God's punishment, but its nothing other than Nature.

Suheir said...

Hhmm.... Well I personally don't think it is evil. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes and many more are nothing but nature playing it's role in this world. Us humans litter innumerable times everyday of our lives and therefore I guess nature is getting back at us for all the horrific and barbaric things we do to this psychedelic planet.