Nullius in Verba

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Half of Newly Qualified Teachers Quit

Click below to read an account of one teacher's experience in some of the classrooms across England.

The Guardian: Why are new teachers leaving in droves?

In your opinion, why do you think some students behave poorly in some lessons?


Duwane.A said...

General disrespect. It's as siple as that, some children have no respect for authority and it's because they had no one to properly control them when they were younger. And now it's upto poor teachers to try and control a child that has never been disciplined.

Students misbehave because they know they can get away with it. And in my opinion parents are to blame, not only did they not bother to raise a civilized child but when they do go into schooling, they don't allow teachers to be strict on their children. It just doesn't help matters by parents suing and complaining to schools.

Duwane.A said...


neineisharie said...

I completely agree with Duwane.

Parents nowadays, in my opinion, don't seem to have the same hold on their children as they used to. I'm not talking about flogging your kid just because they didn't eat their veggies, but they just don't have that same firmness that sprouts mutual respect in a household.

That, of course, carries on into the classroom. There is no punishment, no berating from home either. Parents need to teach their children that teachers ARE an authority that should be respected. They are giving up so much else just to pass on the valuable knowledge that has been passed on generation to generation.

Raya said...

After reading the article, i was appalled and saddened for the writer at the same time.

I believe that Students misbehave for a tally of reasons ; Perhaps they regard a subject with distaste or They find it "cool" to cause trouble and make everyone laugh.

But it all comes down to the teachers. A teacher who is stern, controls the class and makes it clear that he/she is not the kind students want to mess with, would be a barrier against it.
A lot of the students mentioned in the article seemed to be convinced that they are nasty, violent and don't fit into the better schools, but what they need is support and encouragement. Perhaps making lessons more interesting and bringing out the passion of a certain subject would help them take classes more seriously.

In the article, The writer wonders why the better high-class schools don't have the same difficulties.
Well obviously, This is because they don't admit the
indisciplined students in the first place, The dont try to turn them in and teach them and guide them the right way. They simple shove them off and thus the students end up in the poorer quality schools.

Like Duwane suggested, Parents are a prime factor to disobedient students. Students misbehave because they grew up in an atmosphere where misbehaving had no punishment and are absolutely prevailed that that can get away with it.

Shennin said...
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Shennin said...

Wow. I feel so sorry and sympathetic for the writer to witness and go through this whole experience; to get cursed at and bullied,to have been a bystander to a fight and helplessly do nothing about it...

I could just agree with everyone and say that the parents are a prime factor to blame for this kind of behavioural outcome from their kids but personally that wouldn’t be true according to me.
Yes partially speaking, parents are the ones that decide how their kids are brought up, but (assuming that) around 60% of a child’s behavioural outcome depends on the kind of people they’re surrounded by, the people they grow up with. So technically yeah parents do take part of the blame in not controlling and not bothering to raise a civilised child but I wouldn’t say all of the blame.
I mean its like Raya said, you don’t see this kind of behaviour in high-class schools or societies because they don’t admit the undisciplined students in the first place, they just dump them in poorer quality schools.You can’t just expect a child to learn the right principles and ways of behaving when you put them in school’s with atmosphere’s like this and surround them with people who are going through the same matter!
And who’s expected to correct them after that? The poor misfortunate teachers...

Unknown said...

i agree with duwane and shennin :D

Yusra Shah said...

In my opinion, we cant level this topic down to just parents. We have to look at it from a wider perspective.

1) Parents- Definitely as Duwane said, they have not spent enough time in their children. They have not bothered looking into them, teaching them manners. Parents play a pivotal role in their children’s life, they are the first people we get to know. If parents don’t teach us, we are hopeless.

2) Friends- the environment a child hangs out in, defines his/her personality. If a child is under wrong influence he/she will tend to do the wrong. Its quiet obvious. He/She will not know the difference between right and wrong.

3) Another thing would be, a student bullies, or misbehaves because he/she has a point to prove. To show people that “I’m so cool” or “I’m tough, dare mess with me.” Students do this to show authority, to tell people not to underestimate them.

Teresa said...

I agree with Raya-
Students often misbehave in class because they want to look cool or unaffected.
So they put on this poker face and answer back to teachers completley oblivious to how the teacher may be feeling.
Parents are definitley one of the main reasons students misbehave- a lot of parents just cave in to their child's wishes, leaving them spoilt. A lot of the children in the article must have violent or unstable households- children get influenced primarily by their family.

Anonymous said...

My own stomach churned reading what this man went through. I'll have to agree with Duwane as well, but not only is it general disrespect, but its lack of respect for themselves. I've seen some of the brightest people in my last few schools who simply didn't know how to apply themselves or they just craved this sort of attention that is gained from acting out in such ways.

Though parents do play such a huge role in this, I also feel that the students should bring it upon themselves to learn such respect. How will they realize they even need a reality check? Well somebody just needs to tell them.

But I also think that most students do keep quiet, respect, and obey the teacher in class because the teacher sinply carries themselves in a way that makes students listen, not to mention the teacher themselves has a passion for what they are teaching. I've had countless teachers whom seemed to have zero intrest in their own subject, so why would the students have any interest? I feel like a little bit of the blame in such cases should be on the teachers but in the end it does come down to the students and how they are disciplined at home.

Moza said...

Parents are definitley one of the main reasons why students misbehave, but not the only reason- the children's primary influence is from the family.

Then comes the circle of friends which plays a very important role as well. Then comes the society.

Students often put on countenances and fall from grace not keeping in mind the consequences that might occur from such inappropriate manner.

Unknown said...

Attitude, personality, self-satisfaction.
It's all about the child itself. If he/she generally doesn't care because of the personality he/she has developed, then he won't care in school either.
If he is happy with life, then he will generally treat others the same way. His emotions (positive or negative) will be reflected.

Jurgienne said...

Nowadays, kids are getting more and more disrespectful and have a complete disregard for authority.


First, values are not instilled within them due to the failure, or even absence of their parents. Parents don't set a good example, don't reprimand kids for their wrongdoings, spoil their children rotten; and thus, the children get accustomed to getting away with being a spoiled brat.

Second, Friends. I agree with Yusra. A child is easily influenced, and peer pressure and the desire to fit in affects the way the kid interacts with the people around him, especially his elders.. Hanging out with the wrong type of people affects how a kid perceives authority, and due to their need to impress, they will degrade teachers defiantly to show that they have the guts to do so.

It just irks me to see or read about students who do things like this.

By being disrespectful and arrogant for no reason whatsoever besides your need be a 'rebel', you just look like an annoying idiot who disrupts the class and hinder the people who actually want to learn from learning.

Rebels without a cause. wow. very impressive. 8-)

Leah Simon said...

Teachers see and interact with students for 5-6 hours only a day. And really there is no point trying to knock sense into students during these short hours when all what ends up happening is that the student goes home and his or her parents lets them do what they want with no control or limitations.
Also, a lack in severe punishments in school has lead majorly to such indisciplined behaviour from students. For example, in India, teachers are still allowed to cane students. while this may be a bit too severe, there are other more strict punishments that could be used.

Unknown said...

WOW! Lack of discipline, parental obedience and lack of parental interest in properly educating their children. The children are a clear reflection of their parents which leaves you hoping for the best. These children have not a minor clue of what "MANNERS" are. Whats worse is that these are the kind of children that'll end up in prison in 5-10 years time.

Nikita said...

It could be the subject, the timing, the environment and the teacher. Nothing works one way, so if a child is misbehaving then there must be something that is triggering the behaviour.

Girisha said...

I think its because of lack of interest in a particular subject or not a very convincing teacher. But, it can also be the parents fault. It could be that the child is not getting enough attention at home and so turns out to behave poorly in school. Besides this point, I think it also depends on the child's friends/group, and so the child is involved in doing what his/her friends tell him/her to do. I think these are the major problems why students behave poorly in some lessons.

Unknown said...

To a certain extent, I do think its just disrespect, but I don't think the students misbehave simply because they know they can. Sure, if they knew they would get into trouble if they did misbehave, they probably wouldn't do it.. but I don't think that students misbehave out of disrespect. That sounds as if they're just doing it to spite the teacher! Which is ridiculous..

I think students misbehave for the fun of it, but the fact that they can GET AWAY with it, is a contributing factor as to why they do it.

On a general view, I would say that the parents are to blame, but then again, I feel like it would vary depending on the situation...

priyanka.nathaline.lopez said...

I agree strongly that students disrespect teachers and heads of the schools which makes them blind from grasping so many intriguing concepts of life.

Call me old fashioned but it's immensely disheartening to see the upcoming generations behave in such notorious ways and absolutely disregarding courtesy and general appreciation towards elders, especially teachers, who were once bore the honour of highest character and importance.

I think that with the number of options that the world now offers and offers so openly to everyone, most of these students are not bothered to give a second chance to knowledge, but would rather work at a small job and do whatever they liked, or have their parents take the responsibility for it.

Even with modernizing times, the methods of punishment has drastically changed to writing lines in break, no I also do not mean whipping the kid, but students are not afraid of ANYTHING! Many students in school don't even think of the threat of 'I will call your mother/father' as anything close to alarming.

I think it is society's fault for spoon-feeding these kids into believing they would have a job however measly the income, providing no challenge or thrill. And furthermore, it's the parent's fault for pampering their children into having an easy life of ignorance.