Nullius in Verba

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Persuasive Writing Tips

Persuasive Writing - Tips to Persuade
The P-E-R-S-U-A-D-E-R

Personal Pronouns
You, me, we, us – creating a bond with the reader

Emotive language
Words which create an emotional response in the reader

Rhetorical Questions
Needs no response – used to focus attention on the answer or the main point

Statistics and Facts
To prove a point – this can be made up!

Using an authority figure
To make is sound as if your argument is spot on!

Alliteration and Anecdotes
Alliteration – to memorable phrases and words – Anecdote, story to back up your argument.
Use metaphors and similes to describe an anecdote.

Description and Imagery

Exaggerate to emphasise and prove your point!

Repetition and group of 3
Again, for emphasis.