Nullius in Verba

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol

The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol
The Overcoat is one of the most influential short stories ever written. The story is considered an early masterpiece of Russian Naturalism. Gogol's writings have been seen as a bridge between the genres of romanticism and realism in Russian literature. The story begins by taking its readers through the mundane and alienating world of a bureaucratic office in St. Petersburg where an awkward, impoverished clerk must scrimp and save in order to afford a badly needed new winter coat. As the story progresses, we enter a fairy-tale world of supernatural revenge, where the clerk's corpse is seen wandering city streets ripping coats off the backs of passersby. Gogol's story is both comic and horrific—at once a scathing social satire, moralistic fable, and psychological study.
Click here to read the story: The Overcoat

1 comment:

Aliza said...

i hv read the namesake bt not this book. the name and the author of this book were mentioned there. will try to read it soon...